Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Being A Positive Influence On The Lives Of Children With...
At the start of high school, I was given the opportunity to tutor my cousin, Christopher, who has suffered with Down syndrome his whole life. He has a difficult time pronouncing words and I would provide assistance to him whenever he was having trouble. Christopher does not have a lot of confidence in himself; however, he is very intelligent and loves to learn. By helping him, I realized I can be a positive influence in the lives of children with learning disabilities. Although instructing children with special needs is very challenging it is also rewarding to see them succeed. I am drawn to this field because I can instill confidence in my students, just as I have done with Christopher. As a first semester graduate student, the work assigned in the classroom has changed my viewpoint of special education. As a teacher, I seek to provide an equal opportunity for each student, so that they may learn at their own pace. The material in the textbook has developed my understanding of equal ity, by showing how laws work to protect individuals with disabilities. According to Evolving Interpretations of Educational Equity and Students with Disabilities â€Å"Another core element of equality of opportunity is the full integration or inclusion of persons with disabilities into all those activities and policies designed for persons without disabilities†(268). This article has shown me that equality goes beyond promoting a fair and just environment, but it is caring about the student’s needsShow MoreRelatedBenefits Of Mainstreaming Students With Disabilities Essay1658 Words  | 7 Pagesyears and have been set back in each IEP (Individualized Educational Plan) on what would benefit the child. Not enough students with disabilities are being mainstreamed so they can experience the full capacity of their learning stages. 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