Sunday, December 22, 2019
Islam Is A Religion Of Hate - 2563 Words
Islam teachings are practiced in many countries creating variations of Islam within different cultures and nations. Due to the misconceptions about Islamic teachings and practices, and the rise of radicalism within the religion, Muslims are a target for discrimination. Many non-Muslims have a preconceived notion that Islam is a religion of hate, and in addition there is the misapprehension towards its practices and beliefs; such as, Sharia law being barbaric, paganism, and oppression. Furthermore, it is also believed that Islam is only practiced in the Middle East, but the population of Muslims practicing Islam in the world is estimated to be more than a billion with the majority of them being Asia Pacific at approximately 985,530,000, Middle East at 317,070,000, Sub-Saharan Africa at 248,110,000, Europe at 43,490,000, North America at 3,480,000, and Latin America and Caribbean at 840,000 (Desilver, 2013). The Beginning of Islam The Quran teaches Adam was the first prophet, with many prophets to follow, who spread the word of God. The main message was to worship only the one true God, but much of the teachings were either lost or altered leaving the last prophet, Muhammad, as the final teachings in the Quran. This was the beginning of Islam. The Quran is the written words of Muhammad as given to him by God through the angel Gabriel, on mount Hira near the city of Mecca in 610CE. Included in the Quran is Sharia law. Muhammad eventually moved to Medina where he became theShow MoreRelatedIslam And Muslim Will Be Used Interchangeably857 Words  | 4 PagesFor the purpose of this paper, Islam and Muslim will be used interchangeably. Islam and Muslim are words that are both used to represent the message and religion revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. As an example someone may say: I am a Muslim, my religion is Islam. Fear is a powerful motivator. 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